전체 4

Koreana 2016 Winter (English)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 253 20 0 47 2017-12-21
Koreana is a full-color quarterly on Korean culture and arts, including traditional heritage as well as modern and contemporary activities. Each issue includes in-depth coverage of a selected theme, followed by an array of articles on artists and artisans, historic and cultural landmarks, natural attractions, reviews of stage performances and exhibitions, literary pieces, and t..

Koreana 2016 Summer (English)

The korea Foundation | The korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 485 0 0 51 2016-09-12
Koreana is a full-color quarterly on Korean culture and arts, including traditional heritage as well as modern and contemporary activities. Each issue includes in-depth coverage of a selected theme, followed by an array of articles on artists and artisans, historic and cultural landmarks, natural attractions, reviews of stage performances and exhibitions, literary pieces, and t..

Koreana 2016 Autumn (English)

The Korea Foundation | The Korea Foundation | 0원 구매
0 0 293 0 0 64 2016-10-20
Koreana is a full-color quarterly on Korean culture and arts, including traditional heritage as well as modern and contemporary activities. Each issue includes in-depth coverage of a selected theme, followed by an array of articles on artists and artisans, historic and cultural landmarks, natural attractions, reviews of stage performances and exhibitions, literary pieces, and ..

One Hour 손자병법

권해영 | 유페이퍼 | 0원 구매
0 0 45,272 17 6 28,028 2013-03-12
손무가 살던 시대! 그 시대는 전쟁으로 나라가 일어서고 망하기를 밥먹듯이 했던 시대였습니다. 그런 시대가 수백년이나 지속되었으니 '손자병법'과 같은 불후의 명저가 탄생되는 것은 시간문제였을 겁니다. 지금 이 시대! 수많은 손자병법이 판을 치는 시대입니다. 말 그대로 손자병법 춘추시대라고 해도 과언이 아니지요. 손자병법을 한 번 맛본 사람들은 그 매력에 빠져들고, 누구나 그 분야의 구루가 되려는 꿈을 품게 됩니다. 그러다보니 짧고 짧은 손자병법이 '두꺼워지고 복잡해지고 어려워져' 읽기가 쉽지 않게 되었습니다. 이런 시대다보니 '정말 쉬운 손자병법', '꼭 돈주고 사볼 필요없는 손자병법' 한 권쯤 나올 때도 됐다는 생각이 듭니다. ..

㈜유페이퍼 대표 이병훈 | 316-86-00520 | 통신판매 2017-서울강남-00994 서울 강남구 학동로2길19, 2층 (논현동,세일빌딩) 02-577-6002 help@upaper.net 개인정보책임 : 이선희

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